Translation 24/7

Proofreading means having a text checked by a second specialized translator or language specialist in order to ensure complete accuracy.

Our office offers double-checked translations as Premium Translations. Proofreading can be requested by itself, even without translation, when, for example, correcting or commenting on a previous translation. 

The language specialists who do the proofreading check translations for grammar, style and vocabulary usage. Specialized proofreaders check and modify texts in terms of the technical terminology and the professional field.

Proofreading is a time-consuming task, so double-checked translations have longer deadlines than simple specialized translations. The multiple revisions, however, will result in a more accurate and polished text. But if you don’t have the time, we recommend Priority Premium Translation service.

When should you ask for a double-checked premium translation?

Our advice is that you should ask for double-checked, premium translation for texts for the general public (e.g., materials published in the media, websites) and for high-value contracts and agreements. Texts that are not for publication usually do not need premium translation. A specialized translation will provide sufficient safety and quality.

You can read our description of Premium Translation here